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Bo & Ko Te Reo Milestone Cards

Bo & Ko Te Reo Milestone Cards

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A unique collection of Te Reo milestone cards in mustard. The perfect way to capture your pēpis milestones. All cards have a design on the reverse side which can be used as a wall decal or for that extra accessory in photos!

This set includes; Kia Ora, he pēpi hou ahau i konei (Hello, I'm a new baby here) TAHI - Kua Kotahi marama ahau (I am one month old) RUA - E rua ōku marama (I am two months old) TORU - E toru ōku marama (I am three months old) WHĀ - E whā ōku marama (I am four months old) RIMA - E rima ōku marama (I am five months old) ONO - E ono ōku marama (I am six months old) WHITU - E whitu ōku marama (I am seven months old) WARU - E waru ōku marama (I am eight months old) IWA - E Iwa ōku marama (I am nine months old) TEKAU - E tekau ōku marama (I am ten months old) TEKAU MA TAHI - E tekau mā tahi ōku marama (I am eleven months old) TAHI - Ko tōku rā whānau tēnei. Kua kotahi tau ahau (Its my birthday. I am one year old) Ko tōku menemene tuatahi (My first smile) I owhaowha ahau, he tuatahitanga tēnei (I rolled over, it's a first) I ngaoki au, he tuatahitanga tēnei (I crawled, it's a first) I kai penupenu ahau, he tuatahitanga tēnei (I ate solids, It's a first) Tōku Kirihimete tuatahi (My first Christmas) Tōku niho tuatahi (My first tooth).
This set has been custom made by BO & KO and printed locally in New Zealand. The cards are 14cm in diameter, on 300gsm card and packaged in a drawstring linen bag for safe keeping.

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